What Type of Insurance to Choose

Young Drivers Insurance
At Just-passed.com we help young and new drivers find insurance. Our site is aimed at young drivers who are typically classed as a high risk in order to try and get you the best possible value for money on your car insurance.
Complete your details to obtain a fast quote which is emailed to you also so you can come back to it later, you also have the option to decline phone calls so you won't be pestered with sales calls.

Black Box Insurance
Black Box insurance is where a special black box is fitted to your vehicle to track and monitor your driving. With a black box fitted you will be notified if you are driving to erratic so that you can improve you driving skills keeping yourself and other road users safe. If you continue to break the limits set on your black box for example with speeding then you risk increasing your insurance premiums or being refused insurance. Black Boxes are usually for a minimum of 12 months.

Learner Driver Insurance
It can sometimes take months to pass your test so as a learner driver using a friends or a parents car make sense to get as much practice as possible to run alongside your lessons and help you to get the experience you need to pass your test the first time round. Made especially for provisional licence holders it enables you to get behind the wheel more often that just taking lessons and could reduce the amount of lessons you require, saving you even more money in the long run.

Getting insurance on your parents car as a named driver can be a great way to start learing to drive or building up your own experience till you get your own car. As a cheaper alternative to pay for your own insurance, you are added as a named driver on your parents or grandparents vehicle saving you money that could be used to save towards your own new car. Your parents on No Clams Discount can also remains safe if you have a black box fitted for use only when you are driving.